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Monthly Archives: November 2017

beware of women who do not hide their age_oscar wilde

“You look so pretty, for your age.”

After I finished hearing my knees creak in the silence that followed, I thanked the fine person, but it is those three little words – for your age – that kind of take the wind out of your sails.  So, on behalf of those of us who have accumulated hard-won life experience, and built more character than we can use in one lifetime, I will tell you how much I appreciate a woman of “a certain age.”

A real woman is not afraid to be honest or talk openly about the battle scars that she has earned along the way. Whether funny or sad, the scars add up and we keep going, adding even more stories and sighs than we ever thought possible.  We no longer have the patience for the drama or knocks to our self-esteem because we know who we are, inside and out, and are true survivors.

Real women of a certain age are able to judge people on their own merits without having to cyber stalk them. We have learned to assess a situation, or person, and to trust our intuition.  We don’t need to speak just to be heard.  If someone is genuinely listening, we can have a great conversation.  Otherwise, a strong woman leaves the superficial behind; our time and peace of mind is too precious.

We acknowledge that while we have made many mistakes, we have done the very best we could at the time, and continue to grow and improve. In my opinion, one of the signs of a strong mentally mature and confident woman is when she stops seeing other women as competition and considers how to align and mentor instead.  When the hard choices have to be made, and no one else will accept the responsibility, a strong woman will step up.

I love a real woman who is honest, open, loyal, and able to laugh out loud. Acceptance through self-awareness and experience is what makes a woman of a certain age a joy to behold ~ and the best kind of friend or colleague to cultivate.


Thanks for stopping by!  I hope that you enjoy your visit.


quote_perception and creativity and confidence_ansel adams


Thank you for stopping by!  I hope that you enjoy your visit.


This is a wonderfully informative article on charitable giving and the emotion and psychology behind the reasons for their philanthropic giving.

I wrote this post last year, but feel even stronger about our need to support our local and national charities.  Our world has seen destruction and upheaval and none are more affected than neighbors and citizens just like ourselves.

In the United States, more than 10,000 people died last year waiting for disability status to get help for the most desperate of situations.

Not everyone can do a big thing, but everyone can do some thing.



via Gratitude & Giving ~ What Elicits your Empathy?