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Monthly Archives: October 2015

hands_fire and water

When you put your faith in G-d and let Him determine the outcome, you will be amazed by the ingenuity and miraculous resolution chosen to occur on your behalf.

It is not just empty words of Faith, but rather, your words create the destiny that you seek. Merely reaching out your hand, and asking for help, you receive a universal reply. With so many things happening in the world for millions and billions of people, you cannot imagine what exists beyond your line of sight.

When you believe, miracles occur. When you put out your hand with faith, sincerity, kindness and compassion, you are treated with respect and that kind of behavior in return. Those who cannot see it, nor appreciate it, are simply not the right kind of people for you to associate with. Put this way, it seems rather simplistic. We spend so much of our lives fighting to make things that are immoveable go, yet we cannot seem to turn our backs and actually Let Go.

We carry around so much more with us that weighs us down. For anyone who is a caring, kind, and an empathetic person, we cannot imagine it any other way. But, there comes a time when you must rescue yourself from those that would overpower you and anchor themselves with your strength.

Thank you so much for visiting. I hope that you enjoy your visit.

It is so refreshing to hear about acts of kindness in the news instead of negativity and tragedy. There is not enough compassion in our world today but a hero ~ who thanks his Mother for his upbringing ~ that is someone very special indeed.

Kindness Blog

One Ontario man’s tiny act of kindness is making a huge impact on social media.

Godfrey Cuotto KindnessGodfrey Cuotto, a 21-year-old student in Hamilton, Ont., was photographed holding hands with a man named Robert with special needs on a local bus earlier this week.

The photo, which was later posted on the Facebook page “Only In Hamilton” by a stranger, has now gone viral.

Cuotto says he was coming home from a burrito joint downtown when he entered a packed bus, and a man sitting near the front wanted to shake his hand. A little taken aback at first, the McMaster student says he then shook Robert’s hand.

“He kept holding my hand,” he told the Huffington Post Canada. “I thought I was getting pranked at first, but he just needed comfort.”

Over the 30-minute bus ride, Cuotto says the man held his hand, leaned on him, hugged him…

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home_maya angelou

Thank you for stopping by! I hope that you enjoy your visit.

beautiful rainbow in the sky

buddha_as the rain falls