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Category Archives: Strength

be yourself

When you begin to realize that you let someone else’s efforts to silence you, demean you, cage you, or keep you from the truth of who you are, it is time to take a step back.

Take a deep breath. Feel the beating of your heart and know that it seeks to help others. Close your eyes and feel the flow of breath that runs through you. Slow down your racing heart and acknowledge that you are just who you need to be.

If it is not good enough for someone else, it never will be. No matter how many times you try to accommodate someone else’s limits on who you are, or could be, the hardest part to accept is that they are not going to change. They will not suddenly see or recognize all the light that shines within you.

Even though you would never think, or behave that way, and believe that there is room for everyone to succeed, some people will never get it. They will feel threatened and try to control you through any means possible.

Letting yourself succeed is harder than it seems. Allowing yourself the freedom to choose, to speak, to believe, and have faith that things will improve will free you from someone else’s struggle to control. Looking back will not change the past, but looking forward and being true to yourself will give you hope. Hope is the first step to love, to confidence, to change, and to freedom.


empathy reflection_dead sea

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope that your light is reflected, refracted, and shone in the eyes of another’s kindness.

Yes, I get emotional and sentimental. But each tear is filled with love and you never outgrow being my child. Your life is filled with the exhaustion of small children, late nights at work, and the journey of self-discovery.

Who you will become, and who you are now, is always changing.

I have never given up on you and we never could.  The words don’t always come out right and love does not always mean agreement.  Loving unconditionally does not mean that everything you do is perfect to me, but knowing that it means everything to you, means I support you.

You began changing a long time ago and my memories are of another time in your life when you needed me.  Today, you need to find out who you are and that means moving away from where we are to create your own home.

But, please know, that wherever you go and wherever you leave your mark, you can always come home. Even if it is just a phone call, a text, or a photo, I appreciate all of them and your home will always be in my heart. Thank you for including me in your life.

Just know, wherever you are, you can always come back home.


Thank you for stopping by! I hope that you enjoy your visit and please feel free to share this with someone you love.

Home isn’t just a place, it is a state of mind.



knowing when to walk away

Those people that tell you to listen to their negativity because it is for your own good?

It is not. It is for their own good. The better to manipulate with, my dear.

Those people who tell you that constructive criticism is important for self-growth? When was the last time you saw them accepting such necessary need for self-growth?  Also, if there was nothing positive in the message then it was not constructive, it was destructive.

Our most basic understanding of life forms tells us that roots need room to run deep and flowers need to face the sun.  They require nurturing, the necessity of water, the life force, time, and the right environment to flourish and thrive.

That person in your life that says it is all your fault and that if you speak again, you will be treated in some punitive way, is not giving you even the barest of conditions for growth.

It is scary; most people have doubts, questions, and insecurities.  The ones that admit it, make room for others to express themselves, and seek to create a better environment for all.  Those that don’t admit it, and repeatedly tell you that you deserve such treatment, are manipulative.  Those people are not honest or looking at their own need for improvement or acceptance of how the person they became today was formed yesterday.

Consider ~ are the messages that you are receiving benefiting you, or someone else?

If it was coming from love, or compassion, you would feel comforted and peaceful. But, you realize that your internal discomfort and distrust is because it reminds you of another false message. Trust your instincts and your brain when you realize it is a message that has been relayed and replayed before. Know that you deserve better than that, and being on your own, is preferable to living in someone else’s isolation. Behave with integrity and dignity. Be sincere in your compliments and seek to raise someone else up rather than only yourself. Real dignity means extending it to someone else, or to yourself, when you realize it is time for a change. Change is not easy, but it is critical to step out of the shade.

Consider this – those that make fun of such type of thoughts are showing their true character. Their lack of trust, suspicion and arrogance has nothing to do with you. You did not make them behave that way. It is their behavior, not yours, that creates a lack of balance.

Suspicion and anger create a lack; Faith and belief know that abundance is never limited.

You have the opportunity to improve the level of the world in a group, or one-to-one, but at least you are making the effort and room for all who want to strengthen their roots. You are taking a step to face the sun.


Thank you so much for visiting. I would love to hear your positive comments (there is too much negativity already). 🙂