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Category Archives: Books

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “On the Edge.”

book quote anne lamott

Without a doubt, reading is the balm to my many emotions. Feeling or caring too much is never a problem when you read. You determine the timetable; the moment to open the spine is to decide how to open your heart. The moment you close a book, you close your eyes in settling the words into your mind. As you turn each page, you feel another leap in your soul because there is more to learn and your story continues. The characters are yours and shared from another who miraculously has the ability to cause to recognize yourself in a book that you never knew existed before. Even when it is returned, a book continues to walk with you, side by side, into an enhanced awareness never to be the same.

Such is the joy of reading and the preparation for it. It is a gathering of our senses – a warm cup of coffee or tea, a soft and soothing chair, sofa or bed, enough light to read but dimmed so that it does not overpower our focus on the one thing that engages us. We are drawn in and made a part of a group of other like-minded people whom we never knew existed. They welcome us and give us a seat at the banquet that reading becomes and we are never the same again.

book quote reading for the weary

Thank you for stopping by and reading my post. I hope that you enjoy your visit.

books_washing machine

books by eudora welty

Reading is the one journey where you take one step and travel lifetimes. You can discover the world from the center of your bed and have all of the attention of characters focused solely on you.

It relaxes, it coaxes, it soothes, and it strengthens. Fear and doubt can be washed away in a few pages. Close the book, and you can feel your soul expand and your chest rise with an enlarged beating heart. There are so many books and authors, yet, reading is the one obsession that we do not tire of. Rather, it grows with our indulgences and seeks out even more.

An appreciation for reading and writing is what propels us to begin sharing our stories. The scope and reach is so large that even when our own world becomes too small, the universe awaits us, embraces us, and shelters us in the cocoon of words once more.
Thank you so much for visiting! I hope that you enjoy your visit.

books are the most patient of teachers

There are many wonderful things that come to those who wait, but so many involve others or are vastly out of our control.

A Great Love

A Better Job


Healing relationships with our Family

Health and Well-Being

Children and Grandchildren

A Computer

But, if a book is satisfying to me, I will wait until I get to the marvelous ending. If it does not appeal to me in some emotional or intellectual way, then reading six pages is too much and I know that I will never complete it.

Reading is the activity that does not demand anyone else’s permission to bring you to an enjoyable conclusion in the amount of time that you choose to wait willingly.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope that you enjoy your visit. I am busy re-reading the “Outlander” series by Diana Gabaldon right now.

Waiting Room


A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counsellor, a multitude of counsellors.
~Henry Ward Beecher

reading Quote-by-Oscar-Wilde



The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echoes of our hearts.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Thanks for stopping by!! I will be right there just as soon as I finish one more chapter…
