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Category Archives: freedom



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Thank you for stopping by!  I hope that you enjoy your visit.


be yourself

When you begin to realize that you let someone else’s efforts to silence you, demean you, cage you, or keep you from the truth of who you are, it is time to take a step back.

Take a deep breath. Feel the beating of your heart and know that it seeks to help others. Close your eyes and feel the flow of breath that runs through you. Slow down your racing heart and acknowledge that you are just who you need to be.

If it is not good enough for someone else, it never will be. No matter how many times you try to accommodate someone else’s limits on who you are, or could be, the hardest part to accept is that they are not going to change. They will not suddenly see or recognize all the light that shines within you.

Even though you would never think, or behave that way, and believe that there is room for everyone to succeed, some people will never get it. They will feel threatened and try to control you through any means possible.

Letting yourself succeed is harder than it seems. Allowing yourself the freedom to choose, to speak, to believe, and have faith that things will improve will free you from someone else’s struggle to control. Looking back will not change the past, but looking forward and being true to yourself will give you hope. Hope is the first step to love, to confidence, to change, and to freedom.


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Boundaries.”

chains fences black and white
photo copyright the empathy queen 2015

freedom of attitude

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