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Category Archives: Feeling

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “To Be Resolved.”

The resolution that I continue to seek is how to parent, and build a relationship with my adult children from a distance far away not to block their view, but let them see that I still keep a light on in the window.

When it comes to the relationship with our children, I don’t know that we ever reach “resolution” because we each change every day.  I am trying to respect the distance even if my experience with my parents was different.

Since this is a major goal in my life, and always was, I am reprinting this post from July 16, 2014.



generations by gilad

I love you and you will always be my child. I have been trying to stretch and grow to accommodate your view of life, but I realize that I am uncomfortable at times. Perhaps, it is because I am out of my comfort zone trying to be inside of yours. When I raised you, I had hoped to give you good character and kindness. Given your origins, independence, intelligence, and strong opinions could not help but be part of your nature. Sometimes, those opinions hurt me. You know I am sensitive and I was an easy target. But, still, I love you.

You have chosen to live your life differently than I have chosen to live mine. I try to keep my door open to you whenever you want to walk through it. We have made, and continue to make, different choices. I did not want to choose sides. I…

View original post 535 more words

The RSA recently put out an animated video of Empathy vs. Sympathy that went viral. In fact, if you put the information in a Search Engine, you can find hundreds of links to it.

That put me on a search for Empathy in other videos and film shorts. There are some fascinating examples of animation from Cal Arts and short videos and excerpts.  Many Hollywood film productions go for the dramatic, exacting our sympathy with harsh tragedies and weeping grief and dying.  They pull out our tears with the obvious. Empathy can be a little more complex *like the Empathy Queen herself* and make you think some more about the topic.

This delightful short will explain Empathy and put a smile on your face (at least I hope it will). If you feel like I do, by all means, share or leave a comment.


A good post reaches for your heart and remains on your mind.

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The Empathy Superhero
empathy superhero

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to give strength to others as well as yourself?

Thanks for stopping by. It means more than you know!

the smallest act of kindness

Thanks for stopping by! It means more than you know.
