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Monthly Archives: January 2018

may you never forget what is worth remembering

These are the ones that made my list. What are some of the things you have learned along the way?

Life is too short to wallow in someone else’s muck.

As long as you can still find something to laugh about, you are doing alright.

No matter how hard you try to rationalize someone else’s bad behavior, you won’t feel better about how badly they treated you.

Even a psychiatrist cannot change a light bulb if it is not willing to change…..and there are some pretty dim bulbs out there.

Choosing to remove yourself, and hold your head up high, is always more empowering than letting other people exclude you.

There is no such thing as too much kindness or compassion.

If someone asks “How Are You?” as they keep walking past you, they don’t really care about the answer.  Eye contact, or lack thereof, is an indication.

You will never find out who you really are if you are only willing to look as far as your mirror.

You don’t have to give birth to change the life of a child.

Choose to smile at someone and go the extra mile. It is not for them anymore, it is just for you and your dignity.

No matter how bad, or insecure, you may feel about yourself, ultimately, you will have enough self-esteem to keep someone else from putting you down. Trust me, it really is there.

It is OK to acknowledge the fear and the anxiety in daily situations and keep going.

If you have forged a new path, make it easy for someone to follow.

Your parents are not 100% wrong all the time. Leave some room in your life for error.

You are never responsible for someone else’s bad behavior. They are. Nothing you could ever do will make someone else behave badly unless he or she chooses to act that way.

Quitting is hard, and can affect your confidence, but there is strength in knowing when enough is enough.

There will always be people who have more than you. But, there will always be people who have less.

Say “please” and “thank you” to anyone who does something for you or helps you. Even if you pay them, they still deserve the respect and courtesy of good manners.

There is only one true Judge and it does not have to be me.

Charity is not just giving money. It is a state of mind and an act of being.

It is OK to cry and to grieve your losses no matter how little, or how much, time has passed. It comes in waves, and when the swells rise, the tears will fall.

Remember that it is normal and human to cry and grieve and that those who think it is “negative,” or tell you not to cry, or avoid you, have their own mental and emotional issues to sort out. Being human and empathetic is the way we were created to behave in these circumstances.

You can empathize with people if you have experienced difficult and life-searing changes and are honest about them. People can see phony from a mile away.

In the end, it does not matter how much you have or how much you spent. It matters if you were a mensch (human being).

Thank you so much for stopping by. It means more than you know.

PLEASE feel free to add your own lessons learned as there is so much more I need to know.


After I wrote a post earlier today, Lisa reminded me about a post of hers that beautifully expressed this idea of who ~ and who does not ~ deserve a front row seat. Also, with regards to the drama issues, please cancel my subscription too!!!

A Day In The Life

I attended a birthday party for my friend’s daughter this week- she turned 12. Her grandmother read the following, (author unknown) which I found to hold a wonderful message not only for a 12 year old entering her teens, but for this 50 something year old too. Words to remember.


“Everyone Can’t Be In Your Front Row”

Life is a theater  invite your audience carefully

Not everyone should have a front row seat in our lives.

There are some people in our  life that need to be loved from a distance.

Observe the relationships around you. Pay attention to:

Which ones lift and which ones lean?
Which ones encourage and which ones discourage?

Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill?

When you leave certain people do you feel better or feel worse?

Which ones always have drama or don’t really understand, know or…

View original post 29 more words


There are passions and interests that drive us to push forward, but our loss of privacy and increase of others’ judgment certainly causes doubt.

When writing online, there are those who will not speak to you, but believe that they “know” you from those things that you put out into the cybersphere.  Our beliefs and ideals can be present, but there is still fear from the anxieties of the past.  Those experiences affect the decisions we make in the future because we don’t want to go through the painful processes again.  Have enough bad experiences, and a strong memory, and the anxiety ramps up.

Be not the slave of your own past

It causes sensitive people to hold back or not dare to express at all.  Bullying in any form makes someone hide.  Yet, by the obvious existence of millions and millions of voices trying to be heard, the small self says “I am.  I do exist.”   If you have found your community and been privileged to develop strong relationships with kind and encouraging people, you have found a treasure.  Criticism and judgment tear people down and drain the spirit.

Knowing who you are and your priorities, including character and integrity, exist whether anyone understands it or not.   Isn’t it funny how many people don’t speak to another yet they fear what is being said online?  I guess that is another inkling of doubt as well.  We each have them, but reaching beyond hostile environments to seek out kinder climes is a basic need and critical to healthy mental and physical being.  It is scary to be vulnerable, but we find out quickly who does, and does not, deserve our time and attention.

dont ruin a good day


Thank you for stopping by.  I hope that you enjoy your visit.




spices_machane yehuda

rosemarin_machane yehuda

dried fruits.JPG


The Machane Yehuda market in Jerusalem, Israel is a treasure trove of teas, candies, spices, breads, fruit, and vegetables.  The brilliant colors and expansive trove of choices awakens the senses and the breadth of options opens to the excitement of cooking possibilities.

Open market stalls beckon shoppers to luxuriate and sample the many varietals.  Custom mixes to adorn salads and sweeten teas embrace all ethnicities and cultures.

Looking back at my many photos, how I wish I could amble there once again! The privilege to select the choicest and freshest dried fruits, nuts, and seasonings is sorely missed.


Thank you so much for stopping by.  I hope that you enjoy your visit.

To see my latest recipe, go to
